

Тамара Поддубная (США) – Концертная пианистка и клавесинистка, профессор и зав. кафедрой специального фортепиано Long Island Conservatory of Music, New York (США), постоянный председатель и член жюри международных фестивалей и конкурсов, лауреат премий “Золотая Муза” и “Святая София” (Болгария). Выступает с концертами и мастерклассами в Европе, Америке и Азии.


Наталия Казимировская (Швеция) – Председатель оргкомитета, международно известный преподаватель фортепиано, лауреат премии Королевской Музыкальной Академии  (Швеция) за инновации в области мызыкальной педагогики, постоянный член жюри многих международных конкурсов , художественный руководитель Культурной Ассоциации «Culture of Tomorrow».

Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov (Germany)
Professor at the National Music Academy in Trossingen, Germany. He has been a jury member of many international competitions in Italy, Canada, Germany, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, USA, etc. In 2002 the University Quing Dao, China awarded him the title of Honorary Professor. His successful concert activity (with a repertoire of more than 40 piano concertos) includes performances in many countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia and Africa, as well as 20 CD recordings.

Андрей Павлюченков (Испания) – Имеет большой опыт работы в профессиональных симфонических оркестрах и в исполнении камерной музыки. В настоящее время- помощник солиста группы альтов в Симфоническом Оркестре Тенерифе (OST).

Elena Cekic (Turkey) – talented teacher and musician, she graduated from Novosibirsk State Conservatory with the Honor Degree. She attended many national and international competitions as a chamber musician, accompanist and soloist in China, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Russia and Turkey. Since 2012 she has been living in Turkey working with  students from several provinces and overseas providing academic consultancy and training. Founder of Elena Cekic Music Academy. Founder of International Piano Festival Piyanonun Yıldızları (Bursa/Turkey).

Zhao Xiaohong (China) – served as a professor in the Piano Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, a director of the Piano Committee of Shanghai Musicians Association, and a master’s supervisor in piano. Since September 2020, she has been invited to serve as a distinguished professor in the Piano Department of Harbin Conservatory of Music, a master’s supervisor in piano, and a supervisor in the “Top Innovative Talent Training Program” of the piano department. Current research direction: Piano professional teaching, theory and practice of piano teaching methods.
